Celebrities are not like everyday people. They have busy schedules, driveexpensive cars, and wear jewelry that others can only dream of owning. Maybe itis because celebrities are so far removed from normal life that they often givetheir babies unusual names.
Some names are just a little different. John Travolta and Kelly Preston havetwo beautiful children. Their daughter's name is Ella Bleu. Their son's name isJett. Jett is different, but anyone who knows anything about John Travolta knowshe has a love for flying. Gwyneth Paltrow, pregnant again, came under scrutinyfor naming her first child Apple. While it is unusual, it is somewhat cute, likein the "apple of their eye." Chris Martin, her husband, tired of the controversyover the name Apple, has jokingly stated their second child, whether male orfemale, will be named Banana. Another cute name is Dandelion, the name of KeithRichards' daughter. Julie Roberts recently gave birth to twins - a boy and agirl - and received flack over the names she chose. She received almost as muchgrief over the choice for her daughter's name, Hazel, as she did the moreeccentric choice of Phinnaeus for her son.
Many people speculated what Madonna would name her first child. Lourdes Mariaseems a fitting name for child who's mother's name is Madonna, but she oftengoes by Lola. Her son is named Rocco, which sounds a bit like a cartooncharacter, but at least it is a tough sounding name. Actor Casey Affleck andfiancé Summer Phoenix recently had a son namedIndiana August, which leads one to wonder what state and month their son wasconceived in. Toni Braxton has two sons, Denim and Diezel. While both usefulproducts, they make somewhat strange names for children. Rob Marrow decided itwould be cute if he named his daughter Tu Simone Ayer, calling her Tu Morrow.Wonder if she will think it is cute 20 years from now? Actor Jason Lee named hisson Pilot Inspektor, but magician Penn Jillette may have topped them all. Henamed his daughter, Moxie Crimefighter, saying "because when she's pulled overfor speeding she can say, `But officer, we're on the same side, my middle nameis CrimeFighter."'
If you think it is a new trend, think again. Back in 1971, David Bowie andhis then wife Angela decided to name their son Duncan Zowie Heywood Jones. Hesoon became known as Zowie Bowie. Cher named her children Chastity Sun andElijah Blue.
The Phoenix family is well known for their unusual choice of baby names.Summer Phoenix's siblings are the late actor River Phoenix, actresses Rain andLiberty Phoenix and actor Joaquin Phoenix. Joaquin felt his name was so out ofplace with his siblings, that when he was four, he decided to change his name toLeaf. By the early 1990's, he had reverted back to using his birth name. Anotherfamily infamous for their choices of baby names is the Zappa family. Frank'schildren are Dweezil, Moon Unit, Ahmed Emuukha Rodan and Diva Muffin. While manypeople think that Dweezil is his given name, his birth name was originally IanDonald Calvin Euclid Zappa because the hospital refused to register the nameDweezil. Always called Dweezil, when he was a child, he wanted to make the nameofficial and his parents took him to have it changed legally. Paula Yates,former wife of Sir Bob Geldof and girlfriend of late rocker Michael Hutchence,also had a knack for giving her children unusual names. Among her brood are FifiTrixibelle, Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa, HeavenlyHiraani Tigerlily, and Little Pixie.
Some celebrity baby names make sense if you know the story behind them.Eurythmic's Dave Stewart named his son Django after jazz guitarist DjangoReinhardt. Stevie Wonder named his son Mandla Kadjaly Carl Stevland, howeverMandla means "powerful" in Zulu and Kadjaly means "born from God" in Swahili.Helen Hunt just gave birth to a baby girl she named Makena'lei Gordon. The nameMakena'lei is from a friend's dream and means "many flowers of heaven." Gordon,an unlikely girl's name, was to honor of Helen's father, television directorGordon Hunt. Nicolas Cage just named his new baby boy Kal-el. Because Nicolastook his stage name of Cage from comic book character Luke Cage, he decided toname his son Kal-el after one of his favorite comic book heroes. Kal-el isSuperman's kryptonian name.
So, do the children like these unconventional names given them by theirparents? In some cases, they do. The Phoenix's seem to love theirnature-inspired names and the Zappa children seem to have had no ill effectsfrom their eccentric names. However, some children tire of the peculiar namesquickly. Zowie Bowie had had enough of his moniker by the time he was 12 andasked to be referred to as "Joey." Although Dandelion Richards does not seem toobad, she has since started referring to herself as Angela. Recently, PeachesHoneyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Geldof has been the most outspokenabout the odd choice her parents made in naming her. She has been quoted assaying, "I hate ridiculous names. My weird name has haunted me all my life."
While having an unusual name might be difficult for any child, the celebrityof a child's parents may enhance it even further. Thankfully, celebrity childrenwho decide they don't like their given names can switch to a nickname or eveneventually have their names legally changed.
Julie Parker is a successful writer and publisher providing valuable tips and advice on finding the top baby names, unusual baby names, and baby name meanings. Her numerous articles offer thoughtful tips and valuable insight into baby naming. Check out the "Top 100 Baby Names" list from the last 6 years.
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